Correction to yesterday's Title 1 meeting post!
The Title 1 meeting will be held during the NAS Resource Fair on 9/11/2024 between 11:00 and 1:00!
There will not be a Fall Family Night on 9/11/2024!
Parents, please join us tomorrow for this important information!
4 days ago, Nicole Vazquez
“Annual Title I Meeting
September 11, 2024
We sincerely ask that all parents and students attend our Annual Title I meeting as part of our Fall Family Night. The New America School-New Mexico currently receives almost $105,000 to be utilized for student instruction through the Title I program. This is a very important meeting that helps drive our instructional program for the school. During the course of this meeting, the topics we will be covering are:
· Parent notifications-what are they? Why are they important?
· What is Title I and how does our school qualify for Title I?
· What kind of services does Title I offer to schools and how does our school use those funds?
Family Engagement
What can Title I Family Engagement funds be used for?
Our Family Engagement budget comes from the 1% set aside of the District Title I allocation
$(Title I Family Engagement Budget for 2024-2025)
Ways parents/guardians can be involved at our school
Ways parents/guardians can be involved with the APS Title I Department
Questions? If you have questions in the future, please call, email or drop us a note.
Come learn more about Title I, how it impacts our learning environment, and how you can be involved in helping drive the instructional program of the school! You are your student’s first advocate-come be part of our Title I team! For more information, please contact Ms. Mathis at 222-4360, or by email at”
5 days ago, Nicole Vazquez
Hello NAS Students and families. We wanted to remind you that tomorrow, Friday September 6, 2024 is a school day and attendance will be taken. Students please report to your advisory class in the morning. Dismissal will be at 1:30 pm.
9 days ago, Nicole Vazquez
Hello, NASNM students and families! This Thursday we will be practicing a school evacuation drill at 3 pm as required by state law. We will send out a call and text with instructions as we begin the drill that day, just as if it were an actual emergency evacuation. This is only a drill to ensure school safety practices are working and to see if improvements need to be made. If you have any questions, please contact Greg Gutierrez at 505-222-4360.
Thank you for helping us keep students safe!
17 days ago, Nicole Vazquez
Starting this week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, there will be a hot burrito bar in the school cafeteria from 8:00 am until 8:30 am. Come on in and eat a great breakfast and design the burrito that you want. NASNM students eat free, all family members and staff are $5.00.
A great way to start the day!
22 days ago, New America School-New Mexico
Good afternoon New America families!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is a school day and attendance is important. Students will report to their Advisory class first thing for some team building and fun activities, and we will also be having a special guest visitor!
Breakfast and lunch will be served, and students will be dismissed at 12:35. Please be sure you have made arrangements for pick-up as the school will be closed for water line maintenance at 1:00 and students cannot be on campus after this time.
Thank you all for a wonderful start to the school year! Remember, we are still enrolling and would love to have your friends or family here as part of our NAS Phoenix community!
30 days ago, The New America School New Mexcio
Due to unforeseen circumstances, NASNM will be closing at 1:00 tomorrow afternoon following lunch. All students will be released at that time for pick up. If you are unable to pick up your student, please contact the school as early as possible and we will hold them until you are able to pick them up. Thank you!
4 months ago, The New America School New Mexcio
Join the NAS-NM Student Services Department for a Career and Resource Fair tomorrow. Dress to impress; nearly 30 vendors will be here offering on site interviews, internship options, and recruitment. Open to the community! Please contact the school for more information.
5 months ago, The New America School New Mexcio
Hey NAS-NM 11th graders! Don't forget, tomorrow is the SAT School Day! If you received a phone call today, you are expected to be here tomorrow for testing. Be sure to get a good night's sleep and we will see you at 8:15 in the Gym for breakfast. Lunch will be served and you will be dismissed after testing is completed. Remember, this is a graduation requirement.
6 months ago, The New America School New Mexcio
Hello NAS Families! The New Mexico Public Education Department has ordered all schools to move to 180 instructional days, which will impact our calendar for next year. Come hear the updates on the calendar possibilities and have your questions/concerns addressed. Tuesday, March 26th 6:30 pm in the school gym. We look forward to seeing you there!
6 months ago, The New America School New Mexcio
Hey, NASNM Class of 2024 Seniors! Getting ready for graduation? Still need senior photos? Well, dress up, get your best smile ready, and join us for Senior Photo Day! All seniors can have their photos taken by professional photographers this Friday, March 15th, from 1:30 pm until 3:30 pm. Best part? These photos are FREE for all graduating seniors. Did we say free?!? Yes, FREE!!!!! All photos taken will be provided to seniors in a digital format afterward for use in social media announcements, invitations, etc.
For more information, please contact Ms. Valencia or Ms. Tafoya at 222-4360.
6 months ago, New America School-New Mexico
Hello NAS Families,
This week we will be in a blended program as we wait for this outbreak to pass. If you are uncomfortable coming in person you may work on classes from home. We do encourage students to come in for extra support or if you need technology. Attendance will be taken, make sure you are working in each class or you will be marked absent.
Teachers are available in Google Meets for help or questions. We will return to regular classes Monday, February 26th. For more information, please go to
7 months ago, New America School-New Mexico
Come join NAS-NM this Saturday for the Annual School Choice Fair at the Albuquerque Convention Center. Festivities start at 11 am.. We are now enrolling students for the fall semester, so if you know anyone looking for a school home, bring them along to check out our booth!
8 months ago, New America School-New Mexico
Hey, NASNM Families, it is COLD out there this morning! Due to the temperatures below 20 degrees (9degrees with wind chill), blowing snow and icy roads, we will be closed today. Please stay warm on this icy day! Classes will resume as usual tomorrow morning, but the whole week is cold-dress warmly and if you have to go out and about, drive carefully!
8 months ago, New America School-New Mexico
The time is coming for the 2023 annual NAS-NM Toy Drive! Please see the flyers for more information!
9 months ago, New America School-New Mexico
Dear Families,
To learn about student experiences, we ask that all students take a quick online survey, to provide insights into their experiences and how we can improve and adapt our school to their needs.
Access surveys by going to: and choosing NASNM from the menu.
9 months ago, New America School-New Mexico
Don't forget! Scholar's Night this Wednesday! Beginning at 6 pm, join us to celebrate our students!
9 months ago, New America School-New Mexico
Toy Drive 2024
On Wednesday, December 20, New America School will host a Toy Drive for students to select gifts for their family.
Students and families can arrive at the front office and will be escorted to the Teacher's Work Room to select a few gifts for family members. The event ends at 4:30 or when we run out of gifts. Come help us make the holiday season a little brighter!
9 months ago, New America School-New Mexico
Get Ready for College!!
On Wednesday, December 13th from 4:30-7pm, New America School will be partnering with Central New Mexico Community College to host a FAFSA (Federal Application for Federal Student Aid) night for all Seniors and their families. This event will take place in the computer lab which is located in the front office. The representative from CNM will be presenting on how to create a FSA ID which is needed for the FAFSA form and other scholarship opportunities that New Mexico residents are eligible for. Seniors who are interested in college are encouraged to come learn more information on how to obtain money for college.
9 months ago, New America School-New Mexico
The First Annual NAS Winter Wonderland Formal will kick off on Friday, December 15th. This is the second dance in over a decade that NAS will host, and it is our first Winter Formal! All students are encouraged to attend, and we are welcoming their approved guests from other APS schools (with a completed permission form). Student tickets are $5, and guest tickets are $7. Attendees are encouraged to wear their holiday best and come have a great time! The dance will take place from 7 pm-9 pm in the NAS NG. Please contact the NAS-NM Front Office for more information at (505) 222-4360
9 months ago, New America School-New Mexico